Hookah Rentals- 24-48 hours
1 hose Hookah— $25
2 hose Hookah - $50
For Rentals, you will be provided the following:
a Flavored shisha carton of your choice
5-8 quality tips
Coconut charcoals(enough for two sessions
Fire source (Lighter)
* Additionals tips and coals - $5- Coals for an additional session and an extra $5 for 5 more tips.*
4 hose Hookah— $75
For Rentals, You will be provided the following:
a Flavored shisha carton of your choice
4-16 quality tips
Coconut charcoals (enough for 2-3 sessions)
Fire source (Lighter)
* Additional tips and coals - $10 - Coals for two additional session and an extra $10 for 10 more tips*
Catering Packages
Premier Party Experience
Starting at $200, Let the good times roll!
Dive into a realm of flavors that guide you to your wildest dreams.
This package includes 2-3 hookah devices: Either: one 4 hose hookah device and one 2 hose hookah device; or three 2 hose hookah devices, with two-three flavored shisha tobacco packs (dependent on how many devices you will have), coals for two sessions, and 15 tips and 1 hookah attendant.
Ideal for small to medium gathering of 15-30 people.
Add- Ons
coals (3 charcoal pieces ) - $ 5.00 per device
Tips (5-Tips) $5.00
Additional Flavored Shisha - $5.00
Additional Hookah Devices
1-hose hookah device - $25
2-hose hookah device - $35
4-hose hookah device - $50
Deluxe Premier Party Experience
Starting at $350, Elevate your experience!
Embark on a journey filled with mystique and allure of the Hookah experience.
This package includes 3-5 devices: (2) 4- hose devices and (1) 2-hose device or (5) 2-hose hookah devices, with three -five flavored shisha tobacco packs (dependent upon how many devices you will have), coals for two sessions, and 30 tips and 2 hookah attendents.
Ideal for medium gatherings of 20-50 people.
coals (3 charcoals pieces ) - $5.00 per device
Tips (5-Tips) - $5.00
Additional Flavored Shisha - $5.00
Additional Hookah Devices
1 hose hookah device - $25
2 hose hookah device- $ 35
4 hose hookah device - $50
Platinum Premier Party Experince
Starting at $500, Unleash the magic within!
Enchantment awaits in every puff, stirring the senses with delight.
This package includes 4-6 devices: (3) 4- hose hookah devices and (3) 2-hose hookah devices or (6) two hose hookah devices, six flavored shisha tobacco packs (dependent upon how many devices you will have), coals for two sessions and 60 tips. and 3 hookah attendants.
Ideal for large gatherings of 30-75 people
coals (3 charcoals pieces) - $5.00 per device
Tips (5- Tips) $:5.00
Additional Flavored Shisha - $5.00
Additional Hookah Devices
1 hose hookah device - $25
2 hose hookah device - $35
4 hose hookah device - $50
Experience the allure
Please contact us for a quote and/or consultation.
We aim to make your event Top Tier!
“Let the smoke dance, let the flavors whisper secrets. Your hookah story is just beginning, a tale of elegance and allure.”